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Christmas Poems

By Josie Whitehead


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           Christmas Poems


By Josie Whitehead

Round Robins

Dear Josie 


Just to let you know our news - 
     I know you’ll want to know:
We’re off to join a cruise ship now
     And I’ll post this as we go.


I had a dreadful cold in March
     Which lasted until June,
But then we bought a lovely rug
      For our new dining room.


Our clever son came top at school,
     Of course with help from us.
Jim has sold our little car,
     But now we have a bus.


Our dog died from a heart attack
     And our cat was sprayed for fleas.
My back is getting better now
    But I’ve trouble with my knees.


I think that this is all my news,
    But I’ll write again next year.
It’s always nice to talk to you.
     Good friends are very dear.


                          Mary and Jim


Copyright on all my poems



* ROUND ROBIN LETTERS:  Round robin letters are so very impersonal and show so little interest in the person to whom they are sent.  Yes, they are quick and easy to send, but doesn't the person who sends them have any interest in the other person to whom the card is going?  If they'd been in touch during the year, then the recipient would already know this news but, more importantly, the sender would have shown more interest in the other person's news, surely.  Isn't this what friendship is?

For myself I hate them and so do many others.  Visit someone or pick up your telephone - or better still skype - the person regularly and check, in fact, that they are still alive.  Round Robins are not an act of friendship or caring and showing one's love.  Well, to me they are not.  Josie


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