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Shadowing Poetry

By Josie Whitehead

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Snowy Mountains


This is a Shadow/Parody in rhyme and metre of

Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening 
By Robert Frost

By Josie Whitehead 

Date With Death (A)

The sunlight shines on silver snow
Whilst cold winds over mountains blow.
They bite the cheek and chill the ear
As on I tread with face aglow.

The warnings on the news were clear,
With further snowfall quite severe,
But I, my challenge, undertake
With inner courage, little fear.

But winter storms can overtake
The bravest soul, without mistake,
And, wintry gales that seem asleep,
With strength and guile, can soon awake.

Search parties scour the hillsides steep.
They hunt with dogs, the snow so deep;
Whilst I, with Death, my date I keep;
Whilst I, with Death, my date I keep.

Copyright on all my poems



Tetrameter, ie four iambic feet per line.
Rhyming: aaba bbcb ccdc dddd

This pattern of metre and rhyming adhere exactly to 'Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Night' by Robert Frost.  Try a poem written with this metre and rhyming yourself.   It's very difficult I assure you.                                                             Josie Whitehead



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