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Poems for Secondary and
 High School Young People

By Josie Whitehead

Friends at School
NOTE:  There are lots more poems for young people  in every single index.  

If You Could Only Change One  Thing
I'll Walk Along This Beach Again

I'm Not a Puppet on Your Strings

'm Not Much Good at Cheating
Importance of Sleep (The)
Importance of Stones (The)
In a Land Far Away
Infinite Wisdom
International Dot Day

It's Hope that Puts Wind in Your Sails
It's in Your Court
It's June

It's SO Cool to Say 'No'  
It's Your Choice
Joy of Snowboarding (The) 
King of My Garden
King of the Roost
Lamb of God (The)

Lamentation on Life's Shortness (A)
Let There Be Light
Let Magic Happen
Let's Celebrate Diversity
Let's Make a Noise About Bullying
Look at Our World
Man's Inhumanity to Man

Man of the Forest
Master of Display
Mighty Monster (The)
Mighty River (The)

Mirror's Clear and Truthful (The)
Mister B

Motivation Matters
Mr Sanctimonious

My Dream
Nature's Gift of Water
New Dawn
Night and Day - A Metaphor Poem
North Wind (The)
Ode to the Bluebells
Oh Wicked Wind
Olympic Swimmer (The)

On Doing Your Best 
On the Ball 
On the Sea of Life

On the Street
On Wings of Hope
Open Your Heart

Parent Power

Pastures Green
People Against Plastic
Perfect Beau (The)
Perform Your Poem With Pride

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
Poetry in Mot
Poet's Lament (The)
Poet's Pantry (The)
Poet's Pantry (The) - - 2

Pompous Percy
Pour It Into a Poem, Dear
Pride Comes Before a Fall

Queen of the Night 
Rain - A Sim
ile Poem
Really Posh New Loos
Reach Out

Retail Therapy
Riding the Rough Rollers
Riddeling Siddeling 
Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm
Save Our Jungle Please
Sail Your Psychic Seas 

Searching for the . . . . . . . 
Season of Fruitfulness

Seeds of Doubt

Seeds of Doubt
Send Me a Dream

Shall I Compare Thee to a Winter's Night?


Slow Train to Mediocrity (The

Sleep Blessed Babe
Small Voices

So Silently They Fall
Softly - an adverb poem

Someone Smiled at Me 
Something and Nothing
Son of Man
Sonnet for Sons and Daughters
Sound of the City (The)

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Story of Saint Patrick (The)

Stream of Life (The)
Summer  Shower (A)
Swat the Lot
Sweet Dancer
Sweet is the Freshness of the Breeze
Symphony of Summer 
Teenage Bedroom (The) 
Thank You for This Moment in Time

They Call Me Mr Handsome
Those Distant Hills
Through Storms of Life

Through the Narrow Gate
Tidiness is Next to Godliness

Time to Go
Time to Let the Summer Go 

Tips for Tennis
Tomorrow's Success
Tomorrow's World  
Tread Carefully
Tripping the Light Fantastic

True Beauty 
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Two Worlds
Upon Man's Warring Tide
Veil (The)

A Visit to York
Wasting My Valuable Time
Walk Through My Lifetime
Wear a Tie, Young Man 
We'll Not Come on Your Tiger Hunt

We're British and We Know It
What Are You Listening To?
What is a Poet?

What Life is This?
What Makes Me What I Am?
When God Created Adam 
     and:  God Created Woman Next
When the Going Gets Tough
Where Freedom Reigns
Where's Your Smile?
Will You Dance a Little Faster
Wind - A Simile Poem

Wind - A Fickle Force (Science Poem)
Winter White Princes
With Mission in Mind
With Vicious Attack 
Wizard of Alderley Edge (The)

Woman, Why Weepest Thou?
Words in a Poem
Writer's Prayer (A)

You Adults of Tomorrow 
You're Somebody Special 
Your Postcode R
eveals the Truth


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