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Funny Poems for Children

By Josie Whitehead

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By Josie Whitehead

Granddad Goes to Nursery School

When I started nursery school,

     My granddad did as well,

But Granddad calls it ‘Day Centre’

     And says it’s really swell.


He’s learnt to paint and play the flute.

     He does exercise and dance.

He’s even learnt some words in French

     And had a holiday in France.


The oldies in my granddad’s class

     Can shout and answer back.

They are not told what things to eat

     So can take unhealthy snacks.


I love to hear what Granddad’s done.

     Each day we swap our news.

He tells me that he’s not told off,

     Although he has a snooze.


The problem is that very soon

      I’ll move to the big school,

Where I’ll have lots more homework,

       Which I think is rather cruel.


On the other hand my granddad

     Will continue having fun.

He can choose to go to Day Centre

     Or sit out in the sun.

Copyright on all my poems

Note:  Both 'granddad' and 'grandad' are common spellings. In British English, 'grandad' and 'granddad' are both common. In American English, 'granddad' is the standard spelling.

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