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Story Poems for Younger Children - cream background .jpg
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By Josie Whitehead

Helping Poor Choo Choo

Now Choo Choo was a poor old train

     Who’d worked for many years,

But one day something happened

     Which caused her lots of tears.


They gave her many trucks of coal

     To pull to a coal yard,

But when she came to a steep hill,

     The job was much too hard.


Poor Choo Choo pulled and tugged again.

     She strained with all her might.

In fact poor Choo Choo stopped and cried

     To be in such a plight.


Her engine driver said: 'Come on –

     They’re waiting for this coal

And you must pull, with all your strength,

     To make these coal trucks roll.'


But no, this train could go no more.

     So what could Choo Choo do?

She stopped right there, upon the track 

     And her sadness grew and grew.


Another train was passing by

     And, seeing Choo Choo's plight,

His driver linked him at the back

     And he pushed with all his might.


The coal arrived, the job was done,

      And everyone agreed

That for a train of Choo Choo's age

       She'd done quite well, indeed.


'But don't give Choo Choo heavy trucks,'

      Were words her driver said,

And, should you see this poor old train,

      She's now retired instead.


On special days she ventures out

      And, in the summer sun,

Pulls coaches filled with happy kids,

      Who're having lots of fun.



Copyright on all my poems

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