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Children's Story Poems
(and in other indexes too)
By Josie Whitehead

These poems all have my copyright on them. Please do respect this.
Adventure of Samuel Spencer Smile (The)
Aliens and Flying Saucers
Alphabet Tree (The)
Angel Lady (The)
Angels in the Snow
Autumn Visit (An)
Bear That Nobody Wanted (The)
Belinda's Tea Rooms
Belling the Cat
Benjamin Bear
Best Donkey of Them All (The)
Betty's Butty
Beven the Grumble Bee
Big Adventure (The)
Birthday Parties Should Come Every Day
Brian the Lion
Cameras Never Lie
Can I Ride on Santa's Sleigh?
Cat Called Happy (A)
Cat, Dog and the Bantams Three (The)
Cat Who Got the Cream (The)
Cat Who Went to School (The)
Cecilia Ssssnake
Chatterbox Lucy
Christmas Story (The)
Coloured Umbrella (The)
Come, Read Me a Poem
Come Zoom on my Broom
Computer Mouse (The)
Curiosity Can Lead to a Fall
Daddy's Magic Umbrella
Daddy's Sneezing Habit
Dad's Ergonomic Chair
Dandelions for Mum
Dinosaur Dinner
Do You Believe in Fairies?
Dragon Called Drac (A)
Dustbin Monster (The)
Easy Peasy - What a Squeezy!
Eight Chocolate Bunnies
Enjoy Your Ice Cream Treats
Exceedingly Lazy Caterpillar (The)
First Class All the Way
Fish and Chips Again
Fish That Swallowed Granny's Teeth
Four Silly Witches
Frightening Adventure of Frankie Frog Garden of Eden (The)
Georgie Boy and the Dragon
Ghostly Shapes in the Night
Goldilocks and the Three Pigs
Good Job for a Small Dragon (A)
Granddad's Toupee
Greedy Bookworm (The)
Greedy Gertrude
Has Anyone Seen Cocky?
Heaven Only Knows!
Helping Poor Choo Choo
Hetta Hen and Dillon Duck
High Flyers
Hop It, McHoppit
Horse with a Wooden Heart (The)
I'm a Smart Little Fish
Ice Queen (The)
Ickle Wickle Tree (The)
Ickledy, Mickledy - Pickledy Too
Images in Your Story Poems (The)
In the Beginning
Isn't It Fun on the London Eye?
It's a Quacking Shame
It's Long After Midnight
It's Mother and Nine
Lady Sun and Lady Moon
Laugh-A-Lot-Tree (The)
Letter Box (The)
Little Green Caterpillar (A) - 1
Little Green Caterpillar (A) - 2
Little Green Caterpillar (A) - 3
Little Sea Maiden (The)
Look Before You Leap
Lovely Golden Tree (The)
Magic Coat (The)
Magical Tale of Scruffy Duck
Making a Rainbow
Matilda Mouse and the King of Beasts
Mellie the Baby Elephant
Mickledy-Me Gets All the Blame
Miggledy, Piggledy and Tiggledy Too
Miss Goldilocks and the Special Bird
Story of Young DoDo Deer (The)
True Story of Green Riding Hood (The)
Very Strange Tale of Ginger the Cat
Very Tasty Vegetable (The)
Very Useful Mouse Indeed (A)
Welcome to My Ark
What an Adventure
What a Terrible Trick
When the Monster Came to School
When the Wind Changes
Who Lay Chocolate Easter Eggs?
Who Let the Sheep Out?
Who'll Help Me?
Why Are Garden Gnomes Made of Stone?
Willie and Millie Mice
Winter Picnic (The)
Woggaldy Woo (The)
Woggaldy Woo and Friends (The)
Your Flying Bed
Zebra Who Knew Best (The)
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