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M R   W O R M
By Josie Whitehead

Mr Worm lives his life deep underneath the ground;
He’s smooth and he’s slippery and he doesn’t make a sound.

     He’s a friendly little fellow who enjoys a quiet life.
     He doesn’t want a family and he doesn’t want a wife.


If you’re digging in your garden then you could disturb his rest,
And you’ll see him on the surface looking very sadly stressed

     For he knows someone is watching from high up in the tree.
     It’s the blackbird or the robin and they like a worm for tea.


So make a hole and put him back and cover him with soil
And let him dig his tunnels and perform his other toil.

      He’ll chew the leaves and other things that lie upon the ground
      And Mr Worm can quietly live his life without a sound.



Copyright on all my poems


*Published in 2010 -

one poem of 400.

See the children of Crossover School, Ghana perform Mr Worm wearing African costume and with African drums:

Mr Worm

Minibeast Poems
for Children

By Josie Whitehead

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