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Funny Poems for Children

By Josie Whitehead
On Being Bossy - Heading .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

On Being Bossy

Don't shout and don't scream, and do not run around.

Please don’t leave your coat and your bag on the ground.

     Now take off those shoes if they’re muddy and wet.

     Of course all these bossy words you'll surely get!


Have you flushed the toilet?  Well, don’t forget that.

You cannot have crisps for they’ll make you so fat.

     Some money for chocolate?  No, not every day.

     Is this what those bossy grown-ups always say?


Now put on that raincoat.  It’s raining outside - -

And please comb your hair now.  Wherever's your pride?

     Did you wash your face well and the back of your ears?

     Now don’t look like that and we don’t want your tears.


Now don’t cross that busy road!  Wait by the lights

And don’t provoke others and get into fights.

     You mustn't waste time but work hard at  your school!

     Our parents are constantly teaching these rules.


My parents bossed me so these things never change,

But listen well carefully - things are so strange:

     You too can boss children when you’re Mum or Dad,

      And then do it again when you’re Gran or Granddad.

Copyright on all my poems

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