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By Josie Whitehead

Electric Guitar
Electric Guitar
Electric Guitar
Cartoon Pig
Cartoon Pig
Cartoon Pig

 P  I  G  S

(A Limerick)

By Josie Whitehead

Cartoon Pig

A pig has a snout for a nose,

But it’s something that he never blows.

           He snuffles the ground

            Rather like a bloodhound,

And he’s clever, as everyone knows.


It’s true they don’t study the stars,

So don’t know their Sun from their Mars.

          With their eyes on the ground,

          Their thoughts are profound

Thinking all human beings’ bizarre.


See the piggies who dance in a ring.

What a noise as they *shimmy and sing.

           They frolic and jig:

            What a life for a pig! -

As they kick up their trotters and swing!

Copyright on all my poems

*  Shimmy:  to dance or move in a way that involves shaking your shoulders and hips.

* Swing: To move your body backwards and forwards when you dance in rhythm to the music.  We called the years of my youth 'The Swinging Sixties' and I guess it was because every Saturday night there were lots of dances to live music and we would swing our bodies to the lovely dance music.  Josie

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