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By Josie Whitehead

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By Josie Whitehead

Poetically Motivated

When I’m poetically motivated, I:


Ride the chariots of clouds in the sky

To net elusive nouns


Chase brilliantly golden, crisp, yet delicate autumn leaves
To entrap those adjectives


Trip the light fantastic with high winds to find 
Some rare personification


 Sizzle and frizzle with my sausages searching
For some bee-buzzing onomatopoeia 


Move mountains and plough through dictionaries 
To massage in those metaphors


Cook curious cakes and even pickle putrid pears 
To entrap my appetizing alliteration


Scour the world, beat the bushes, capture and kill - - 
Yes, all this for those vanishing verbs


Swiftly and lightly ride on those rumbling tumbling waves 
To arrest an evasive adverb


Then I’ll tango a mango, and tussle a muscle
To access assonance


But to get my rhythm
I’ll dance, hum, sing or simply whistle – 

Well, doesn't everyone?



 Copyright on all my poems

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