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People Poems - Grandparents

By Josie Whitehead

Love for Grandchild


By Josie Whitehead

Thank God for Grandparents

Thank God for grannies - granddads too:

They're special friends for me and you.

      They're there to give you love, for sure -

       But to children they are oh much more!


They’re listeners and they understand.

They’ll put an ice cream in your hand.

    They’ll grin and tell you funny jokes . . .  and . .

     For children they’re ‘worth-having’ folks.


Remember every childhood day,

There’s one thing you should always pray:

     God bless grandparents – every one.

     They’re sent to children to have fun!’

Copyright on all my poems



In groups you might like to discuss why you like your grandparents,

ie why they are special to you.   Do they live near to you or far away?  Mine lived far away and we had to go on three steam trains to reach their house, but it was worth it, and I had aunts and uncles there too.  The other good thing was that they lived near the sea, so what fun it was to play with cousins on the beach.  Josie

West Bay .jpg

West Bay, Bridport, Dorset

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