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Senses Poems

By Josie Whitehead

Vacation Sensations.jpg

By Josie Whitehead

Vacation Sensations

Whilst on holiday I enjoyed so many things:

The blood red sun which kissed the horizon before disappearing.

The sounds of people chattering at the pavement café tables.

The mouth-watering smells emitting from restaurants.

The feel of the cool sea which washed lovingly over my feet. 


The taste of the salt upon my tongue from the sea spray on the pier.

The chatter of the motors which carried small fishing boats out to sea.

The smell of the fish that was caught and sat in boxes by the harbour -

And the taste of the good food we ate as we listened to the band. 


The softness of the sand which trickled through my fingers.

The sound of laughter as we passed the Punch and Judy show.

The calls of the seagulls somewhere high in their clifftop home.

The sweet taste of vanilla ice cream that dissolved on my tongue. 


The ragged rhythm of dance music emanating from the ballroom.

The awakening to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen.

The appeal of a holiday, which delighted every one of my senses,

Will be something I’ll carry with me throughout the coming year.

Copyright on all my poems

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