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S e n s e s   P o e m s

By Josie Whitehead


By Josie Whitehead

S E E   W I N T E R


Look!  Snowflakes are twirling high up on the breeze

And the snow is now settling on rooftops and trees.

     See the snowman that’s made by the children at play?

     It’s a beautiful season with its frosty display.


F E E L   W I N T E R 


Feel the bite of the wind?  Yes, winter is here.

Feel it touching your cheek?  Oh, there’s nothing to fear.

     Feel the warmth of your coat that’s keeping you warm?

     It’s the feeling of winter and this feeling’s the norm.


S M E L L   W I N T E R


Smell the wood on the fire as it heats up your room

And the smell of Mum’s cooking dispels winter’s gloom.

     The smell of hot drinks helps to keep out the cold:

     These things speak of winter – well that’s what we’re told.

T A S T E   W I N T E R


Now eat those roast dinners and delicious meat pies;

And your Mum’s tasty puddings will light up your eyes.

        Enjoy that hot soup with some good, crusty bread

        For on cold, wintry days - oh you must be well-fed.

H E A R    W I N T E R


Hear that wind as it roars over cities and towns?

Hear the patter of rain that is tumbling down?

     There's peace that arrives when snow falls from high.

     Yes, it’s winter that’s here  - - -  but spring is nearby.



Copyright on all my poems

What else comes to your mind about winter - using one of the senses?  This will make a good discussion in your class. I bet someone will say they like the smell of turkey at Christmas, or of the taste of chocolate which you get in your Christmas stocking?  Mum and Dad may like the taste of nice wine at Christmas.   Perhaps you like the feel of the snow or ice when you're sledging outside?  I used to like the feel of the ice as I slid down it in the school playground in winter.  I didn't worry about falling then, but I do now.  - - - So, start a group discussion.  Josie 

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