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Funny Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead
By Josie Whitehead
Don’t pick at your food and don’t pick your nose
And don’t pick at that – 'What is it?' 'Who knows?'
Don’t pick at your scab and don’t pick that spot,
But pick out the weeds – yes, pick out the lot.
Don’t pick, don’t pick – is there ever an end?
Yes, be sure that you pick the very best friend.
Copyright on all my poems
Discussion: I hope you don't pick some of the things I've mentioned in my poem, but what good things have you picked? Was it a special toy that you wanted for your birthday or Christmas, or have you picked your very best friend already? Friends can last for a lifetime and what good qualities do you look for in your own friends - and do you have these qualities yourself? I hope so. Josie